
Class-Level Communications

AURA EDU APP's Class-Level Communications feature provides educators, students, and parents with a powerful platform for fostering communication, collaboration, and engagement at the class level. By leveraging this feature, educators can build strong partnerships with students and parents, promote student success, and create a supportive learning community. Join us in reimagining education management for the digital age with AURA EDU!

  • Announcements and Updates
  • Assignment Reminders
  • Progress Updates


Announcements and Updates

AURA EDU's Class-Level Communications feature enables educators to share announcements, updates, and important information with students and parents in real-time. Educators can post announcements about upcoming assignments, exams, events, and other classroom activities directly within the app. Automatic notifications ensure that students and parents receive timely updates, keeping them informed and engaged.

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Assignment Reminders

Educators can use AURA EDU to send assignment reminders to students and parents, helping them stay organized and on track with their coursework. By scheduling assignment reminders through the app, educators can ensure that students and parents are aware of upcoming deadlines and requirements, reducing procrastination and improving assignment completion rates.

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Progress Updates

AURA EDU allows educators to provide progress updates and feedback to students and parents on a regular basis. Educators can share updates on student performance, academic achievements, and areas for improvement directly within the app. This ongoing communication helps students and parents stay informed about their progress and encourages collaboration between home and school to support student learning.

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Parent-Teacher Conferences

AURA EDU facilitates scheduling and coordination of parent-teacher conferences at the class level. Educators can use the app to schedule conference appointments, send invitations to parents, and communicate conference details such as date, time, and agenda. This streamlined process ensures that parent-teacher conferences are well-organized and productive, allowing for meaningful discussions about student progress and goals.

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