
Assignment Management System

AURA EDU APP's Assignment Management feature provides educators with a powerful solution for creating, assigning, and managing student assignments effortlessly. By leveraging this feature, educators can enhance teaching effectiveness, promote student engagement, and support meaningful learning experiences. Join us in reimagining education management for the digital age with AURA EDU!

  • Create Assignments
  • Customize Assignment Parameters
  • Assign and Distribute Assignments


Track Assignment Progress

AURA EDU enables educators to track assignment progress and monitor student engagement in real-time. Educators can view assignment submission status, track completion rates, and monitor student activity logs to identify students who may need additional support or intervention. Real-time data on assignment progress helps educators provide timely feedback, address misconceptions, and adjust instruction as needed to support student learning.

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Provide Feedback and Grading

AURA EDU facilitates feedback and grading processes, allowing educators to provide timely and constructive feedback to students on their assignments. Educators can review student submissions, annotate directly on documents, provide written comments, and assign grades or scores within the app. The app's built-in grading tools streamline the feedback process, saving educators time and effort while ensuring consistency and accuracy in evaluation.

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Archive and Analyze Assignments

AURA EDU archives completed assignments and stores them securely within the app for future reference and analysis. Educators can review past assignments, analyze student performance trends, and identify areas for improvement in instruction or assessment. The app's analytics tools provide valuable insights into student achievement, learning gaps, and instructional effectiveness, informing data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement efforts.

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Assign and Distribute Assignments

AURA EDU simplifies the process of assigning and distributing assignments to students. Educators can distribute assignments to individual students, groups, or entire classes directly through the app. The app supports various distribution methods, including email, in-app notifications, and class announcements, ensuring that students receive assignment instructions promptly and efficiently.

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